Field trips
Bring your class, organization, or group to tour the Adventure Mine.
Educational and Group Tours
The Adventure Mining company can custom-fit activities to meet your needs. Boy/Girl Scout groups, college geology programs, school classes, and many others can all take advantage of our location and knowledgeable staff. Contact us and we put together a custom tour for your group’s requirements. Geology and mineral club groups are welcome, but we do not offer mineral collecting programs at this time.

What to Expect
Participants in any of our tours must be in good health and have appropriate footwear. We also suggest that you wear a light jacket as the mine is always a cool 48°F. We reserve the right to limit anyone’s involvement in any tour for any reason that jeopardizes the safety of participants or staff.
Bring Your Waiver
To help expedite your visit, please review and have filled out our waiver for each of your group members. These need to be brought with you on your visit.